
Mission & Objectives

Human Resources Development Centre (HRDC) was created as an outfit to take care of staff training and development functions as well as examinations leading to the evaluation of staff development processes. 

Human Resources Development Centre (HRDC) is therefore saddled with the responsibility of training and re-training of staff, both within and outside the University, at junior, middle and top management levels. This is based on a clear understanding of the current realities of the University’s and the Nation’s human capital needs. 

Human Resources Development Centre (HRDC), serves as a necessary tool for non-formal training and development of the educated workforce, targeting in particular those whose employment and career enhancement prospects depend on improving their technical, professional and managerial skills. 

The Human Resources Development Centre has the mandate to discharge the following responsibilities:

  1. Institute a viable Training School for the training of University personnel in particular and those of other institutions where necessary.
  2. Conduct entrance examination to programmes other than undergraduate courses conducted by the JAMB.
  3. Assume responsibility in conjunction with Heads of Department for all courses with academic content and which are certificate awarding. 
  4. Prosecute vigorously in-service training programmes for the staff of the University. 
  5. In conjunction with Heads of Department/ Unit, identify the training needs of University Personnel.
  6. Mount appropriate training programmes for staff of the University.
  7. Recommend motivational packages for deserving staff. 
  8. Mount appropriate training programmes for other organizations outside the University with a view to generating income and collaborate with appropriate outside training outfit to mount such courses/ programmes.


Boost  or start your professional career  Professional Programmes